Free Traffic Sources 2021 Best For Your Website Traffic


Free Traffic: Friends, on the off chance that you are new to Blogging, in the event that you have recently made a site, and you don't think about Blogging, then, at that point the traffic won't go to your site, so this is the most concerning issue of rookies that how to get free traffic in the site. since the new bloggers don't have that much cash to put resources into their site.

Deals Problem: 

Companions, when another Blogger joins publishing content to a blog, he knows nothing, and for this, he watches a large number of recordings on YouTube and different stages, from where another Blogger gets various sorts of data. Some data is valid and a few falsehoods, and in the present time, Online Fraud has expanded a ton. 

Each blogger simply considers himself a designer in the wake of learning the subject establishment, and a few group trick giving their futile course. 

In such a circumstance, there are a few sites that give free facilitating, and some Froud sites likewise give facilitating at a modest cost. 

Furthermore, new bloggers purchase those facilitating, yet later they face a ton of issues. 

In any case, in the midst of this, the inquiry comes, how to get free traffic to the site, on the grounds that there will be no procuring without traffic, and in the event that you don't acquire, you would prefer not to work am I right? 

New individuals join Blogging imagining that first they will begin their site with free things and they will overhaul subsequent to Earning from a similar site. 

In any case, this is never occurring, and newbies become demotivated. 

In any case, presently I will reveal to you the answer for every one of your issues in this article, and assuming you individuals receive the tips referenced in this article, you will get 100% accomplishment in publishing content to a blog. 

Hi companions My name is "Viswanath" and I am a Full-time Blogger, and today I will compose for you Free traffic strategy. In the event that you need to find out about me, you should visit our Author page. 

Free traffic techniques. 

Prior to telling every one of the tips, I might want to say one thing that assuming you need traffic on your site, your site ought to be the right customization, and your site ought to have great substance. 

In the event that your site isn't as expected planned, or you have utilized modest facilitating, then, at that point free traffic or Paid traffic has no significance. 

This will expand the ricochet pace of your site, and your site won't ever rank, so on the off chance that you are utilizing Free Hosting or Cheap Hosting, this is an ideal opportunity to update it. 

Facilitating has gotten exceptionally modest in the present time, anybody can get it.

The first way ➡️ YouTube traffic:

Friends, if you have a YouTube channel, and your videos are getting views, then you can add a link to your website in your video description.

You can say to your audience to visit your website, but on this, you will have to provide some things for free on your website.

Like software or video, you can provide an online tool for free, and tell people to download it.

Due to This people start visiting your website, and you can set the downloading time in your website. This will work for the Bounce Rate of your website, and you will also get genuine free traffic.

YouTube is a video sharing platform, and it is practiced worldwide today. And you can use it smartly.

Another way is ➡️ Pinterest Free Traffic.

I like this method the most, and it is close to my heart, Pinterest is an image sharing website, but it has become much more advanced.

In earlier times Pinterest was prevalent only in countries like the USA, but now it is present in every country.

But there are two ways to create an account on Pinterest, one is a free account and the other is a Business account, and you need to open a Business account, Printrest’s ordinary account is not so effective.

If you open the Business account of Pinterest, then you get an API link to your website, so that you can always pin images in your website with the URL on Pinterest.

This will create a high-quality backlink for your website, and any person can access your website by clicking on your image.

3rd Way ➡️ Google News.

This method is a bit difficult, and for this, you will have to work hard, your website should have more than 500 articles for Google news.

And 3 to 4 articles should be uploaded to your website every day, if you can do this then you will get the Approval of Google news, and once you get Google news approval, your article will start appearing in the google app or Chrome app.

Free Traffic Sources – By The Daily Website

With this, organic traffic will start coming to your website, but for this, the layout of your website should be like a news website.

For this, you can use a magazine theme like Newspaper, and build the website in WordPress.

Things required for Google news approval.

  • It is necessary to have a news sitemap on your site for Google news approval.
  • Your website layout should be like a news layout or magazine layout.
  • Your website should have the correct information.
  • Your website must have at least 3 editors.
  • Images of your article should be created by you.

4rt way ➡️ Google question hub.

Google Hub is an online free tool that provides keywords for you. Question hub provides some keywords in front of you, which it has no article.

And if you write an article about those topics, then your article will rank in the top pages, and this will start getting free traffic to your website.

But you have to write the article in detail, Google will show your article at the top only when it has trust in your website.

And for this, you have to write a good article, you can take the help of google to write an article.

And you can use Canva or Picsart to create an image.

You can use Google question HUB for any website, and best of all, you can use it on the Blogger website as well. And can generate free traffic for your website.

5th-way ➡️ social media platform.

You will all know that social media is very famous in today’s time, and every person’s account exists here, if you have a big fan base, then you can also take free traffic from social media.

But the problem is that by sharing more links on social media, your account gets banned, and to avoid this you can use their API key.

Just like a Pinterest Business account, in the same way, you can create an account for social media like Facebook or Instagram and add their API key to your website.

This will share your website automatically and will prevent your account from being closed.

But some social media platforms are very strict, and the users here are also genuine, so you do not have to write fake article on your website that generates your Hater.

And if you like to write, then any social media platform is right for you, you can gain millions of free traffic from here.

6Th Method ➡️ Guest posting.

If you like to do hard work, if you can write many posts in a day, then you can also do guest posting, for this you will have to talk to different website owners.

You can search Niche of your website in Google, and contact the top 10 website owners, you can request them to allow you to write on their website.

If your request is accepted, then you can write the article and add your website links inside those articles. This will create backlinks for your website, and will also generate free traffic for you.

But I know that people do not want to write on someone else’s website, and even if they write, they write only 200 or 300 words articles.

This kind of work is not accepted, if you want to achieve success then you will have to work hard, and there is no other easy way to do it.

7th Way ➡️ is a Good article.

This is the last and best way of our article for free traffic, and only you have to write good posts on the website.

It should be in the article detail, for example, if I am writing about the computer, so I have to share all information about the computer inside a 1 article.

For example:

  • What is a computer?
  • What is Ram?
  • What is Hard Drive?
  • What is the motherboard? and many more.

If I write about all of these inside a single article, then my article will be considered a complete article and Google trusts such articles, and always keeps them at the top pages.

But people face problems in writing, and some people do not want to do the work of writing because they are not made for this work, they just join Blogging because they want to earn money.

Sometimes I think that this type of people do scam online, anyways what you think please let me know by leaving a comment below.

And if you can write the article correctly, then your website will rank in a few days and this will give you free traffic.


Friends, I know a lot of people use to make their website for free, and they think that traffic will come to your website.

But the truth is that it will ruin your hard work, you are not going to get anything from it, if you want to earn money from online, then the investment is necessary, and it is not understood by everyone that one understands it, he will surely get success.

And I hope you liked this article, if you like it, do not forget to share.

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